ICDCN 2021 will host a Doctoral Symposium to encourage Ph.D. students
to present and discuss
their research with peers in their fields. This symposium is best suited for students
already have a plan outlined for their dissertation in the broad areas of Distributed
Computing and Computer Networking. The symposium will provide an opportunity for
students to
obtain helpful feedback on their research from academics and practitioners from leading
universities and industries.
PhD students working in the following areas can submit their research proposals for this
- 5G and Next-generation Networks and Services
- Ad-hoc, Sensor, PAN and Mesh Networks
- Backscatter and Ultra-low Power Networks
- Blockchains in Distributed Computing and Networking
- Cloud Computing and Big Data Processing
- Cognitive Networking
- Distributed Algorithms: Design, Analysis, and Complexity
- Distributed Embedded Systems
- Distributed Operating Systems and Database Systems
- Distributed Quantum Computing
- Edge Computing and Mobile Offloading
- Energy-efficient Networking
- Fault-tolerance, Reliability, and Availability of Distributed Systems
- Internet of Things and Cyber Physical Systems
- Internetworking Protocols & Internet Applications
- Machine Learning in Distributed Computing and Networking
- Mobile Crowdsensing and Social Networks
- Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networking
- Overlay and Peer-to-peer Networking and Services
- Pervasive and Mobile Computing
- Pricing and Network Economics
- Scalable Distributed Systems
- Security, Privacy and Game Theory in Distributed Computing and
- Networking
- Self-organization, Self-stabilization, and Autonomic Computing
- UAV Networks and Mobile Robots
- Vehicular Networks, Smart Grids and Smart City Applications
Those who are enrolled as a full-time student in a PhD program at any university as
on date of submission of the
proposal are eligible. PhD students with a well formulated problem and initial
technical approach/results are
particularly encouraged to apply as they would benefit from the feedback from the
Although this forum is primarily targeted towards Ph.D. students, BS and MS
students who have formulated a
research project and obtained some good results will also be considered and
hence are encouraged to
Submission Guidelines
Submissions to the Doctoral Symposium should must include the following:
- Research paper (1-2 pages)
- Curriculum Vitae (1 page)
A submitted paper must not exceed 2-pages, including references, in the standard ACM
format available here.
A research paper must include a clear problem statement of the research, technical
approaches for the problem,
the novelty of the problem and/or the approaches, and the results obtained so far.
The student author should be
clearly indicated, and the advisor(s) should be listed as co-authors. Curriculum
Vitae must contain the
participant's name, affiliation, advisor's name, theme of research, degrees obtained
so far, current status in
their degree, and expected graduation date.
All papers must be submitted in a PDF format through EasyChair.
Symposium Details
All submissions will be reviewed, and the primary student author of the proposals
that are accepted will have the
opportunity to give an oral presentation (10-20 minutes) at ICDCN. No-show without
approval from chairs is not allowed,
and will lead to the submission being withdrawn from the proceedings. The accepted
submissions will be included in the
ICDCN proceedings as a 2-page extended abstract.
Bivas Mitra, IIT Kharagpur
Yuichi Sudo, Osaka University
contact: icdcn_ds_chairs_2021[at]cs.ist.osaka-u.ac.jp
Replace "[at]" by "@".